Hugo: Dynamic Image Rendering with URL Replacement

Hugo: Dynamic Image Rendering with URL Replacement
Hugo / Go / HTML

Hugo: Dynamic Image Rendering with URL Replacement

If you want to use Hugo to dynamically render images with URL replacement and lazy loading, here is the code. {{ $card__show_image := .Params.show_image }} {{ $cardImageURL := "" }} {{ if and (eq $card__show_image "true") (.Params.images) }} {{ with .Params.images }} {{ range $image := . | first 1 }} {{ $cardImageURL = replaceRE "(=w|s)(2400|1600)" "$1360" $image }} {{ end }} {{ end }} <img src="{{ $cardImageURL | absURL }}" alt="{{ .

If you want to use Hugo to dynamically render images with URL replacement and lazy loading, here is the code.

{{ $card__show_image := .Params.show_image }}
{{ $cardImageURL := "" }}
{{ if and (eq $card__show_image "true") (.Params.images) }}
  {{ with .Params.images }}
    {{ range $image := . | first 1 }}
      {{ $cardImageURL = replaceRE "(=w|s)(2400|1600)" "$1360" $image }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
  <img src="{{ $cardImageURL | absURL }}" alt="{{ .LinkTitle }}" decoding="async" loading="lazy">
{{ end }}

I’m using this code on my blog to render images with lazy loading and responsive image sizes on different part of my blog, like cards, cover images etc.

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